Training - Making your employees more productive
Online Training
Roxville has partnered with Bigger Brains, a leading provider of online training modules. Speak to your Roxville Advisor who can assist you in setting up a program tailored to the needs of your organization. A full catalogue of courses is available below.
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If you would like to get more info about signing up for our training and/or skills assessments, please fill in and submit the form below. An Advisor will contact you within 1 business day.
Catalogue of Online Courses:
Skills Assessments
The best starting point for any training program is a skills assessment. Assessments allow your firm to tailor the training program to the unique needs of each employee thereby eliminating the risk of providing training that is too basic or too advanced. Either situation can leave the employee frustrated and disinterested. Skills assessments are also a great tool for measuring each employee’s progress and the impact of the training.
Roxville has partnered with ISOGRAD, a leading provider of assessments.
With +15,000 questions available, each assessment is unique. The questions are asked in the form of interactive activities, MCQs, and exercises based on real-life situations encountered in the workplace, which can be done directly in the software environment.
The technology adapts the difficulty level of the test progressively according to the employee’s answers, identifying the true limits of their knowledge and skill. Detailed, easy-to-read pre- and post-course assessment reports identify the employee’s current skills and skills gaps, as well as their skill progression.
Skills assessments are available for:
- Excel
- Word
- PowerPoint
- Outlook
- Google Sheets
- Google Slides
- Google Docs
- Cyber Citizen (The cyber security world, security in the workplace, security on the move, security at home)
- Digital Competency (perfect for screening candidates during the hiring process)
Once an assessment is completed, a detailed report of the results is provided.
This Data Manipulation result is a single section from an Excel assessment. It shows how the candidate performed (at the Productive Level) and what the person who took the assessment needs to learn in order to progress (To go further).

Cybersecurity Training
While most companies invest in IT security infrastructure, many of them forget about the biggest security gap: Employees. Staff are trained to perform their jobs using technology, but lack knowledge on how to protect the company from CyberCriminals. Human error is one of the biggest challenges to overcome, but with Roxville’s CyberSecurity training (we refer to it as creating a Human Firewall), your staff will learn basic notions such as:
- How to identify a hacker’s emails
- How to recognize suspicious links
- Avoiding opening malicious attachments
- How to protect sensitive information
- The proper use of passwords
Unfortunately, too many firms run once a year sessions and take roll call so they can “check the box” that their employees have received CyberSecurity training. However, the topic is too important to allow it to go into cold storage. Ongoing training can make the difference between being safe and being compromised. Remember, all it takes is one wrong click and your firm could be down for days or CyberCriminals could get access to your financial accounts and other sensitive information.
Our CyberSecuity Training program includes:
- a 12 month training curriculum:
o Videos
o Assessments
o E-mails
o Posters - Simulated phishing e-mails to give employees an opportunity to practice and hone their new skills
- Reports on completion, assessment scores, simulated phishing results